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OCR: Apple High. Resolution Monochrome Monitor System Requirements To usc the Apple High- Macintosh It personal You also tO purchase Resolution Moochroue xmpuler Ari Apple .niversal Monitor Monitor, muSt have: the Macinteosh It Viden (ard pus follow ing video chke (supplied A Macintosh I1 Vilex Card with Expansion Kit Technical Specifications Picture tuhe Viden handwidth Envronmental 12-inch (li:gonal +2 decibels megahed? requiremeats Phasphor TIA Tyx: Scan 35.1) rates kilohery. horivontal 104F Operating (10 40 temperature: c 50 to (whire) Iligh. contrast antiglarc vertical Relative hurrility hmaximum hert? Alritude 10.00 teet Resolution Controls 480 Active 213 (40) dot: dors nillimeters millimelers vettically area horizontally by vertically borizontally Rat:k Right Power Contrast side: r xre:: ...